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Commandes utiles Empty Commandes utiles

Message  Moebius Lun 7 Sep - 14:45

Voici un petit post pour lister quelques commandes utiles en jeu, il sera étoffé au fur et à mesure :

/bind_save : sauvegarder les touches de raccourcis dans le fichier par défaut
/bind_load : charger la configuration des touches de raccourcis à partir du fichier par défaut

/bind_save_file *chemin_du_fichier\nom_du_fichier.txt* : sauvegarder les touches de raccourcis dans un fichier spécifique
ex: /bind_save_file C:\Program Files\Cryptic Studios\CObinds.txt

/bind_load_file *chemin_du_fichier\nom_du_fichier.txt* : charger la configuration des touches de raccourcis à partir du fichier spécifique
ex: /bind_load_file C:\Program Files\Cryptic Studios\CObinds.txt
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Commandes utiles Empty Re: Commandes utiles

Message  Moebius Lun 28 Sep - 13:28

Nouveau tips du jour, la commande pour lier le lancement d'une discussion dans un canal de discussion précis à une touche du clavier...

Trouvé sur le forum officiel par quelqu'un qui l'a ramené sur JOL :

Key Bind Chat - Macro (startchatwith)
I've figured out the following binds to allow keyboard initiated chat to various channels. This is the text from my ent_keybinds.txt:

F9 "startchatwith /channelsend "Zone" "
F10 "startchatwith /channelsend "TeamID_LIVE" "
F11 "startchatwith /channelsend "Local" "
F12 "startchatwith /channelsend "GuildID_LIVE" "

In order to execute these binds in game one would do:

/bind F9 "startchatwith /channelsend "Zone" "
/bind F10 "startchatwith /channelsend "TeamID_LIVE" "
/bind F11 "startchatwith /channelsend "Local" "
/bind F12 "startchatwith /channelsend "GuildID_LIVE" "

En bref la commande /bind *touche_choisie* "startchatwith /channelsend "Canal_choisi" " permet de lier l'ouverture d'une discussion dans un canal choisi en utilisant une seule touche plutôt qu'en sélectionnant dans le menu déroulant de la fenêtre de discussion

A noter :
- cela va bien entendu retirer tout lien sur la même touche avec une autre fonction, par exemple si liée à la touche "M" la carte ne s'ouvrira plus sur cette touche
- les identifiants de canaux avec ID_LIVE à la fin correspondent aux canaux par défaut. En bref si on lie avec le canal "TeamID_Live" ça ouvrira la discussion dans le canal de groupe habituel, tandis que si on essaie de lier avec le canal "Team" ça va chercher (voire créer) un canal nommé "Team" comme notre canal "CdCR"
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Message  Moebius Mer 21 Oct - 11:30

Un petit guide complet sur le Binding et donc la possibilité de créer des macros et autre joyeusetés...

Je le poste tel quel en anglais pour le moment, la traduction en français sera faite dès que possible...

The Basics of Binding

To create a bind in the game, the syntax is:

/bind <input> <command> [<commandParam1><commandParam2>...]

Input: This is the key or button you wish to be pushed to execute the provided command.
Command: This is the game command or alias you wish to run when the given input is pressed.
Command Parameters: Any parameters the command you're using may require.

/bind N local Hello World!

Result: After this is run, whenever you press the N key on your keyboard, your character will say

Hello World!

Editing Binds
There a few ways you can edit your binds:

  • Simple binds may be modified under Options -> Key Binds
  • To edit a bind in game you may always do the /bind command using the same input to override a previous bind.
  • You can remove a bind from an input by using /unbind <input>
  • Edit binds in .txt files in your Champions Online\Live folder, more on this below.

Bind .txt Files
Inside your Champions Online installation folder should be a folder named Live.
You can edit .txt files with binds there, or create a new .txt files and place binds inside. These are also a useful way to transfer binds between characters as you can save your custom binds to a .txt file from the game interface, or load binds from a .txt file.

Formatting in a .txt file for binds is the same as running the /bind command, only it's everything after the actual "/bind" text. Also, there is one bind per line.

Example .txt file:
Button4 "+PowerTrayExec 6"
Button5 "PowerTrayExec 1 14"
N "playersay Hello World!$$em wave"

Loading/Saving Binds
To save your binds on a character to a .txt file:

/bind_save_file <name of file>

If the file name provided exists, it will be overwritten, otherwise the file will be created.

/bind_save_file test.txt

Result: After this is run, all custom binds on the active character will be saved to test.txt inside
of your Champions Online\Live folder.

To load binds to a character from a .txt file:

/bind_load_file <name of file>

If the file name provided exists, the binds it contains will override the current binds on your active character.

Important Note: ONLY the binds the loaded file contains will be applied, it will unbind other custom binds you may have.

Let's say we have 2 .txt files, test1.txt and test2.txt.

test1.txt contains:
N "local Hello World!"
H "local Hi!"

test2.txt contains:
N "local Nice to meet you!"

If test1.txt is our current binds that we've already loaded, and then we run:
/bind_load_file test2.txt

When you press N, your character will say "Nice to meet you!"
When you press H, your character will say "Hi!"

Notice, your character will not say "Hello World!" when N is pressed since only that bind was overriden
when test2.txt was loaded.[/i]

Binary/Toggle Commands
There are several commands that accept a binary operator. (+ or -)

When you have + in front of a command, the command is ON while your input is pressed, and off on release.

/bind N "+up"

Result: If you are flying, you will fly up while N is pressed, and stop when N is released.[/i]

When you have a - in front of a command, it tells that command to stop.

/bind N "-PowerTrayExec 16"

/PowerTrayExec 1 16 (this will turn on your shield)

Result: When you press N, your shield will be turned off if it is on.[/i]

Toggle commands can accept a ++ operator in front of them. ++ tells the bind to switch the command between ON and OFF.

/bind N "++autoForward"

Result: When you press N, you will turn on auto run. If you are already auto running, pressing N will turn auto run off.[/i]

Running Multiple Commands w/ One Bind

$$ is used to separate commands when binding. So our command from above looks like:
/bind <input> "<command> [<param1><param2>...][$$<command2>[<param1><param2>]...]"

/bind N "local Hello World! $$ em wave"[/i]

Important Note: While each command is separated by $$, you must also surround everything after your input in quotes as well, as shown in the example.

Result: After this is run, whenever you press the N key on your keyboard, your character will say Hello World! and wave.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When you have a bind with multiple commands, the FIRST command will determine the binary state of your ENTIRE bind. I will explain this more later in the power usage section.

The Alias Command
The alias command is for creating your own commands/functions. The command to create one is:

/alias <command name> "<command1>[<param1><param2>...][$$<command2>[<param1><param2>]...]"

/alias helloWorld "yell Hello World!"
Then, type /helloWorld

Result: Your character will yell to the zone, "Hello World!"

Using {}
(Thanks to: Amasilver for helping with this section.)
When creating an alias, you may use {} which has a special function. This is treated as a marker of where to insert a string that will be passed to your alias.

/alias helloWorld "yell {}"
(Now our alias helloWorld takes 1 string argument.)
Then, type /helloWorld Hello Everybody!

Result: Your character will yell to the zone, "Hello Everybody!"

Now, if you include multiple {} in your alias, EACH one will be replaced by the string you pass to your alias. Also, the string replacement gets interpretted BEFORE your alias is run, which opens up possibilities for more complex usage. Now for a slightly more complex example.

/alias move "+{} $$ playersay Going {}!"
/bind N move left

Result: When you press N, your character will move to the left and say "Going left!"

Dernière édition par Moebius le Mer 21 Oct - 13:40, édité 3 fois
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Message  Moebius Mer 21 Oct - 11:31

Using Powers
Currently, you will need to map binds to a power tray slot. You will do this using the PowerTrayExec command:

PowerTrayExec <Bin> <Slot #>

Bin: Binary state of the power, whether it's ON or OFF. (1 or 0)
Slot #: The slot on your power tray to be executed. Slot #'s listed below.

Since the first argument is a binary, we can use the + and - operators with this command.

+PowerTrayExec 16

Result: This will execute slot #16 so long as the assigned input is held down.

Power Tray
This shows what slot is which #:

| 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 15 |
| 16 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 14 |

So the bind command used to bind a single power like normal:

/bind <input> +PowerTrayExec <slot #>

This will bind a power to the input provided to function exactly like they do on your bar.

To bind a power so it stays on until something else cancels it:

/bind <input> PowerTrayExec 1 <slot #>

Because we didn't use the operator, and instead passed 1 for the binary argument, the power will stay on. This means: A charge power will attempt to fully charge, a maintain will attempt to fully maintain and so forth.

Ways to turn a power off:

/bind <input> -PowerTrayExec <slot #>
/bind <input> PowerTrayExec 0 <slot #>

These 2 commands will perform the exact same action, which is stopping a power if it's currently charging/running.

This command will stop ALL power activations:
/bind <input> "-PowerTrayExec 16 $$ PowersCancelAllActivations"

Multiple Powers
Multiple powers can be in one bind, however, there are some tricks to this.

/bind <input> "+PowerTrayExec <slot #> $$ +PowerTrayExec <slot #>"

/bind N "+PowerTrayExec 2 $$ +PowerTrayExec 3"

If the first power (Slot #2) is instant: Power Slot #2 will activate and then Power Slot #3 will activate in one key press.

If both powers are charges: Power Slot #2 will be fired off as a TAP ability, if possible then Power Slot #3 will activate.

IMPORTANT: The exception to these rules is the Shield power (Slot #16), it seems to interrupt any powers in the same key press as it, even if they are instant

Dernière édition par Moebius le Mer 21 Oct - 13:45, édité 1 fois
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Message  Moebius Mer 21 Oct - 11:31

Commonly Wanted Binds
In this section, I'll list answers to the most commonly requested binds.

How do I make my shield toggle on, so I don't need to hold the key?
/bind SHIFT PowerTrayExec 1 16

How do I say something as I use a power?
/bind <key> "local Hi! $$ +PowerTrayExec <slot #>"

How can I change costumes/builds when I activate my travel power?
Create the following 2 txt files, with the listed contents in your Champions Online\Live Folder.

t "+PowerTrayExec 14 $$ buildset 1 $$ bind_load_file land.txt"

t "+PowerTrayExec 14 $$ buildset 0 $$ bind_load_file fly.txt"

Then run:
/bind t "+PowerTrayExec 14 $$ buildset 1 $$ bind_load_file land.txt"

To change costumes, instead of builds:
Change "buildset <#>" to "setactivecostume 0 <#>"

How do I target myself before doing a heal?
/bind N "+down1 $$ target_self $$ +PowerTrayExec <slot #>"

Chat Related Commands/Binds
From BrEggo's thread:

In order to execute these binds in game one would do:

/bind F9 "startchatwith /channelsend "Zone" "
/bind F10 "startchatwith /channelsend "TeamID_LIVE" "
/bind F11 "startchatwith /channelsend "Local" "
/bind F12 "startchatwith /channelsend "GuildID_LIVE" "

You can switch the channel you're actively in also by using:
channel_setcurrent "<channel name>"

/bind N channel_setcurrent "TeamID_Live"

Result: Puts your chat to Team.
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Message  Moebius Jeu 22 Oct - 18:29

Pas encore eu le temps de faire une vraie traduction mais j'ai pu tester quelques unes des commandes qui m'intéressaient hier soir.....en particulier celles pour changer de canal de discussion....

A noter que comme expliqué dans l'article, il est possible d'aller tout simplement éditer le fichier créé par la commande \bind_save pour parfois pouvoir aller plus vite quand on veut créer plusieurs alias...

Le fichier en question s'appelle normalement "ent_keybinds" et se trouve dans le répertoire "Live" dans le dossier du jeu

Par exemple voici les fonctions qui me permettent de sauter d'un canal à l'autre telles qu'écrites dans le fichier :

Control+c "channel_setcurrent "CdCR""
Control+g "channel_setcurrent "GuildID_LIVE""
Control+l "channel_setcurrent "Local""
Control+t "channel_setcurrent "TeamID_LIVE""
Control+y "channel_setcurrent "Zone""
Control+z "startchatwith /channelsend "Zone""

En bref si je fais "Control + C" mon canal de discussion passe sur le canal CdCR

A noter que vu que le jeu n'arrive pas identifier les touches de mon clavier correctement tant que je ne suis pas en train de taper mon texte, en particulier il inverse le y et le z, avec mes commandes ci-dessus si je fais sur mon clavier "Control + Z" mon canal saute sur le canal de Zone.

Par contre si je fais "Control +Y" mon message passera sur le canal Zone mais mon canal reste le même qu'avant

Mais dans le code j'ai dû inverser les deux lettres...

A noter également qu'on ne peut combiner que deux touches pour lancer une commande. J'ai essayer avec "Control + Shift + C" mais ça ne prend en compte que la combinaison "Control + Shift"

Voilà pour un premier essai
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